HomeGrants and Quality Assurance
Roles and responsibility of Education Training and Quality Assurance
AgriSETA is bound by various legislation, of which the Skills Development Act and the SAQA Act are the most prominent. The legislation outlines the role and responsibility of AgriSETA Quality Assurance.
The functions of ETQA are prescribed in the Regulations No 19231 of 8 September 1998. These functions are to:The main objective of the accreditation process is to promote the provision of quality education and training by competent Providers to all Learners in the Agricultural sector.
The accreditation process will ensure that PROVIDERS maintain and improve the quality of learning provisions and learning achievements of learners. Through the registration of ASSESSORS, the ETQA will also ensure that training provision and learners achievements are of a consistent high quality and standard across the sector.
In order to achieve this objective, AgriSETA have set specific conditions for accreditation applicable to:
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Physical Address
AgriSETA House, 529 Belvedere St, Arcadia, 0083
Postal Address
Box 23378, Gezina, 0031
Telephone + 27 (0) 12 301 5600
Fax + 27 (0) 12 325 1677/325 1624