HomeLearning Material
AgriSETA has developed learning modules for the unit standards within the range of qualifications: Animal Production (NQF levels 1 – 4 ), Plant Production (NQF levels 1 – 4) and Mixed Farming Systems (NQF levels 1 and 2).
These learning materials are generic in nature and the purpose is to assist accredited providers in the Agri sector with good, basic learning materials which they can use as the basis for developing/adjusting their own specific learning materials.
It should clearly be noted that this is generic learning material – it remains the task of the provider to contextualize the material and not only use it as is – it only provides a basis. Furthermore, AgriSETA does not prescribe this material. Any provider who is of the opinion that his/her learning material is sufficient to address the outcomes of given unit standards, is welcome to use their own learning materials. Regard this material as a further input.
This learning material is in the public domain – you are welcome to print, copy and use it as you see fit. Please do so responsibly.
As this material is in the public domain, No copyright can be added to it, nor can it be sold.
For providers who wish to be accredited with the AgriSETA ETQA: Please note that if you are requested by the ETQA to submit learning materials as part of your accreditation process, this material will NOT suffice – the ETQA will have to be convinced of the extent to which you were able to contextualize the material.
Should you find any errors in the material, identify areas of weakness or have suggestions to make, please forward such to us under the title “Learning Material Feedback” and send it to
Click on “qualifications”, then click on the specific qualification you are interested in, then click on the matrix (on the right hand side. All the unit standards relevant to the qualification will appear. If learning material is available for a specific unit standard, the option to click here will appear in the relevant column where material is available. If you click on “click here” the specific learning material file (in PDF format) will appear. At NQF level 1, Four documents are available per unit standard:
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Physical Address
AgriSETA House, 529 Belvedere St, Arcadia, 0083
Postal Address
Box 23378, Gezina, 0031
Telephone + 27 (0) 12 301 5600
Fax + 27 (0) 12 325 1677/325 1624